Thursday, March 18, 2004
forehead flick
I hope one day when I grow up, get married, and miraculously have kids without labor, that I will raise them to be happy, healthy people who will not run into innocent people on the street, yell at them to watch where they're going and tell them to get off their f*ck'n cell phone. This will be my contribution to society.
And the forehead flick? Just a fancier way of flicking someone off...and something that I should have done last night.
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
let it burn
Very few things make me happier than finding a new favorite song. Usher's new song "let it burn" is reminiscent of a classic kc & jojo slow jam and makes you wish you were back in middle school, swaying back and forth with a cute special someone who finally just asked you to dance--you know, a moment worthy of the WB. (Instead I'm left doing body rolls in my cube, solo.)
Today I was given a copy of the cd (which was very nice and made my day) and I could barely detach myself from the computer, which was set to play the SONG over and over again. During a brief intermission, I left to go forage for food. On my way back to the office, completely lost in the music in the head (not voices this time, but music...), I tripped on the stairs and skidded on my hands about 6 inches. A little off balance, but with only one leg making contact with the ground, I'd give it about a 7.5.
The song is still worth a little stinging in the wrist, but the lyric "let it burn" has a whole other meaning to me now....
I'm always pleasantly surprised when I meet someone nice, or if someone does something nice for me. I think my expectations took a nose dive when I was around people or situations that were not-so-nice.
Converse to this, I'm also much more aware of people who are not nice. Case in point, I was with a girlfriend at a club last saturday night and there were people we were introduced to (friends of friends mind you), who fell shy of having "not nice" tatooed on their foreheads. Why bother with an introduction, if you don't even have the courtesy to make eye contact and pass off a pathetic, limp handshake barely worth reaching out for?
That almost made me not-so-nice.
Friday, March 12, 2004
one too many
Top 10 indications that you've had 1 2 (3,4...) many:
10) You forget to pick up the napkin off the floor, as it falls from your lap when you get up from the table
9) You have trouble text paging someone's phone number
8) You start finishing other peoples' water
7) You tell people who you don't know very well to "shut up" (with a smile, of course!)
6) Your teeth start chattering from the cold (all the blood rushing to your internal organs)
5) You assume cars will stop for you as you cross the street
4) The inside of the BART/MUNI station seems blindingly bright
3) Sober people seem odd to you (or you're embarassed to be around them)
2) You think you remember lyrics to Japanese songs (you are not Japanese)
And the # 1 indicator:
1) You wish you had a few more so that you couldn't recall so vividly what happened
Thursday, March 11, 2004
I've shared my blog with a few people and I've found their feedback to be very insightful and ever so entertaining. So to share, here's a sampling of their edited thoughts in response to a few of my past blogs (and my retorts):
That was beautifully written. I HATE them too.
bite size pieces of wisdom-
Honored to be in the mix. Was my portion a golden nugget? A piece of poop? A golden piece of poop? Please my ego is dying to know. Your portion was golden.
lost in translation-
common sense and what you feel- two opposing forces of nature....If you ever find an interpreter, let me know. I think I may know one. I believe his name is Dr. Zo Loft.
Carpool Lane-
True. "Bad" relationships is being lost in that carpool lane and no one wants to stop and ask for directions. Even worse, is getting caught and ticketed for driving in the carpool lane without a passenger.
Love at 2nd sight-
Regarding the make up to break up analogy- water and sand do get together, its called mud. It can be fun for a while, but it always ends up messy. Relationships that never become due to being chickenshit....where does one begin? On unrequited love- 1st sight yes... 2nd sight yes..... at which sight does it officially become stalking? Mud and chickenshit, close relatives. Both dense, dirty, and difficult to maneuver through when there's a ton of it. When you lost sight of who you are, that's when it becomes stalking.
pizza sauce-
(The guy version)- Nothing like the warm comfort of 5 shots in your tummy, your boys making fun of you as you try not to hurl. Friends who join laughing at your sorrow, and whose searing honesty can rip your ego to shreads.....for their entertainment. On the bright side. Pizza sauce is never wasted under a male fingernail. They must have a lot of pizza on mars.
black or lavender
In planning haste with options to go shopping and watch a movie, or watching two movies, I was at the decision-making crossroads. And I was stumped. I was then posed the question "What would make you happy?" It's been awhile since I've been asked that question, and even longer yet that I've asked that of myself. To be honest, I was quite stupefied.
Such a simple question to ask, yet so difficult to answer.
And why is it so difficult? I fear it's because I truly don't know yet what I want, because I always get stuck in between what I want and what I think I really need. Again, the disconnect b/t the heart and the mind. And why do I fear this? Because I don't know what it's going to take for me to know. Perhaps as I get older, I won't care so much, and that scares me too.
Again last night, I couldn't decide whether to buy the top I liked in lavender or black. Black was the safe, conservative alternative. Lavender would infuse some color in my wardrobe, a bit more bright than what I'm used to...and different. Again, I was stumped. Even after asking the advice of the salesperson (who of course told me to buy both) and of the friend who was patiently shopping with me, I was still torn. Finally my friend said "Let me (or give me) the black one." He took it, started walking away and said "Ok, go checkout now." And that was that. I walked away from the store with the lavender shirt in hand and didn't look back. In this scenario, the decision was in part made for me with roadblocks at the crossroads.
Not so much an interesting story, but the lavender top makes me happy.
P.S. It also makes me wonder if I should, or if I'll ever go off-roading.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
more snacks
A few good quotes today that I'll want to remember....
"sometimes i wanna kick him in the face" V's friend.
" 'Bad' relationships is being lost in that carpool lane and no one wants to stop and ask for directions." C.L. Deep, so deep....
"Share the world, you Ass-F*cker" Bad man. Who ever thought the combination of those 2 words could be so brilliant?
Last night in conversation, a girlfriend and I discussed the merits of dating. And boys. The stuff that makes reality TV shows seem like child's play. Here are some cliff note thoughts about boys that were inspired by our conversation.
the mistake - we all have one (hopefully not many more) and by the way, we do get one freebie to erase from our dating past
the friend - the one we all wish we were attracted to and try to set up with our friends, because we think he's great
mr. right now - maybe he's the guy you think is "hop in my pocket" cute, maybe he's the one who looks hot after several, and I mean several, adult beverages, maybe he's the guy next door, maybe you're just bored.
mr. maybe later - the guy you're infatuated with who doesn't know you're alive, or worse yet, you're his "friend". The one who for lack of better reasoning, just doesn't realize that you're the one at the current moment, but will suddenly use a photo of you as his screen saver as soon as he comes to his senses.
mr. right -
(I had to include these retorts by C.L. because they made me laugh, they made me cry, & they made me sigh - 3.12.04)
the friend- the one that you are attracted to after he's been set up and is out of reach
mr. right now- usually becomes "the mistake"
mr. maybe later- the one who wants to set you up because he thinks your great
mr. right- is usually mr. maybe later after he sets you up and he realizes your worth....... but by then you're together with "mr. right now" and you know who he becomes.
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
I fall in love every day. Sometimes it's the perfect song, a new picture of my neice, how my sheets feel against my skin when I'm utterly exhausted in bed, the color of the ocean when the sun dips just below the horizon, the taste of many things to love, it's too easy.
How can I catch myself when I fall?
Monday, March 08, 2004
boys, bags & bikinis
We all have our weaknesses. For some, it's in the form of chocolate, carbs, cars, booze, boobs, bacon...the list goes on and on. Mine can be summarized pretty quickly.
boys - can't live with them, can't live without them...can't, can't, can't.
bags - from backpacks, man-bags, to mini-bags and bling bags...what can I say? I have a lot of stuff to carry.
bikinis - from functional, parentally-approved, to "THK" ("to his knees") and dry-clean only bikinis, the only question that remains is "how can you not buy a bikini that fits you well?"
Wouldn't it be dreamy if all the weaknesses came together and all got along?
Th quickest way to terminate all feelings of love, joy and happiness is to find that you've been ticketed for feeding the meter.
Hate is such a strong word and I use it very judiciously. SF Parking and Transportation? I HATE you.
sole survivor
I suppose in this world we have soul mates and sole mates. The distinction being soul mates are what tom hanks and meg ryan movies are about, and sole mates are relationships that are more befitting for the underside of a shoe.
Isn't life difficult when you have both? That's when you have to become a sole survivor, donate your old pair to Goodwill and go buy new shoes.
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
bite size pieces of wisdom
People are always filled with advice. Lately, I've been doing a lot of listening. Pending my mood, they're either gold nuggets of truth, or pieces of sh*t...regardless, I always listen.
Recent pieces:
"You can wash that man right outta your hair. Don't forget to rinse." C.L. (a personal favorite of mine...blending vanity with self improvement)
"no vibe = no love" P.C. (the truth hurts...but what if your vibe-o-meter is broken?)
"is not right or wrong. it's simply doing...okee?" S.C. (I think I'd regret the things I did less than regretting not doing them at all.)
"u undersell urself, try this: 'Hey look, I'm about to make a decision about wanna hook it up or not?" (*sigh)
"Life's a gamble, like blackjack. Be patience and consistent and you'll come up on top." Man to the right at the blackjack table in Reno. (Even strangers detect my angst. I've go to tone it down a tad...and go wash my hair.)
Monday, March 01, 2004
lost in translation
WHY must there a disconnet between how your heart feels and what your brain tells you is the "right" thing to do? Or maybe the "right" thing to do is nothing at all. There must be something lost in translation between the two.
Or maybe it's not a matter of right of wrong--but just a matter of doing.