Monday, March 16, 2009

Daylight savings was last weekend and it totally threw off my circadian rhythm. It's probably still off. There are so many "things" that are floating in my consideration set right now. Most of them need to occur within the next year or so. This matrix currently contains the following:

There I said it--it's out there. On the list. On the same list as taxes and vacation planning. How adult my life has become. One of the aspects that I resent the most, resent being a pretty strong word, is the need to become so SCHEDULED. Planning has become such a cruel necessity. I can't just be "rollin with the homies" anymore. I thought that knowledge is empowering, but being clueless might be just as effective, if not less stressful.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's not today. The surprise came yesterday, Monday March 9th. This was a momentus day. There were signs: the sore mams, the uber sensitivity that led to extreme emoting at work last tuesday, the ode to lower back pain, etc. I don't miss this at all.

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