Friday, August 20, 2010
dear john letter

I'm not sure how I'll be tonight (star-struck & socially awkward, rabid groupie, etc.) and I want so much the opportunity to express my gratitude for your music that I decided to write you a letter, in hopes that you'll read this.

Thank you for writing songs that are the soundtrack to my life. No Such Thing was my 20s anthem and Stop This Train for my 30s. With more years spent staying inside the lines than not, I'd like to hope that the best of me is still staying up my sleeve.
I read somewhere that Gravity is the most important song you've ever written, and if there's ever a time in my life when I've been down on my knees, it's been the past few months.

You see, I was pregnant when I went to your concert in San Jose earlier this year in March, because I wanted my son to hear your musical genius live, from the womb. 2 weeks later, my water unexpectedly broke and our son was born at 24 weeks and 3 days and he was just too little to survive. I think back to how short and how precious life is amidst this tragedy and in the few months that I had with him I am strangely comforted by the fact that at least got to experience his first and only john mayer concert.

I wrote my son a letter shortly after he passed and quoted lyrics from In Your Atmosphere. I'll always live my life in relationship to him and I do daydream and watch his life play out in picture from afar. I hope this isn't coming off as morbidly creepy as it could be. Sh*t, maybe it is, but if you are really reading this, I hope you know that one of your biggest fans in an angel, and that your music is where the light is for me.

thank you.

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